How to Do Keyword Research for SEO

In today’s digital landscape, it’s no secret that search engine optimisation (SEO) is a critical component of any successful online marketing strategy. And at the heart of any successful SEO strategy is keyword research. Keyword research involves identifying the words and phrases that your target audience is using to search for your products or services online.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of keyword research, exploring what it is, why it’s important for SEO, and how you can perform keyword research to improve your website’s search engine rankings. Whether you’re a small business owner looking for how to do keyword research to improve your website’s visibility online or a digital marketer wanting to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and techniques, this article has got you covered.

So, let’s get started with a clear definition of what keyword research is and why it’s so important for SEO. Then, we’ll guide you through the process of conducting effective keyword research step by step, providing you with tips and tricks to ensure your website is optimised for maximum visibility.

How To Do Keyword Research?

Definition of Keyword Research

At its core, keyword research is the process of identifying the words and phrases that people use when searching for information online. It involves researching and analysing the search terms that people use to find websites similar to yours and using that data to optimise your website’s content.

Importance of Keyword Research for SEO

Keyword research is essential for SEO because it helps you understand what your ideal client or customer is searching for and how to optimise your content to meet their needs. By identifying the most relevant and valuable keywords, you can create content that is both engaging and informative, driving more traffic to your website and increasing your chances of converting visitors into customers.

The Role of Keywords in SEO

Keywords are the foundation of SEO, and they play a crucial role in your search traffic and in determining how Google and Bing rank your website. By incorporating the right keywords into your website’s content, you can improve your chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant queries. This, in turn, can lead to more traffic, more leads, and more sales for your business.

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Types of Keywords

Learning how to do keyword research involves identifying and analysing keywords, the phrases and terms people use to search for information online. Keywords are the building blocks of SEO, and understanding the different types of keywords is crucial in optimising your website for search traffic.

Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords, also known as head keywords, are usually composed of one or two words. They are broad and general, and their search volume is usually high. These keywords are highly competitive, and it is difficult to rank them in search engine results pages (SERPs). For example, a short-tail keyword for a shoe store would be “shoes”.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, are more specific and contain three or more words. They have a lower search volume compared to short-tail keywords, but they are less competitive and easier to rank for. Long-tail keywords are usually more targeted and lead to higher conversion rates. For example, a keyword phrase for a shoe store would be “comfortable walking shoes for women”.

Branded Keywords

Branded keywords are those that include a specific brand name or product name. These keywords are essential for companies that want to promote their brand online and increase brand awareness. Branded keywords are usually easier to rank for, as they are less competitive. For example, a branded keyword for a shoe store would be “Nike shoes”.

LSI Keywords

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are related keywords that search engines use to understand the context of a webpage. LSI keywords are not synonyms but are words that are commonly used together. Including LSI keywords in your content helps Google and Bing understand the topic of your page and can improve your ranking and search volumes. For example, LSI keywords for a shoe store could be “footwear”, “sneakers”, “boots”, and “sandals”.

Understanding the different types of keywords is essential in creating an effective keyword research strategy. By selecting the right keywords for your website, you can improve your ranking and drive more traffic to your site. In the next section, we will discuss how to do keyword research.

understanding your target audience

Understanding Your Target Audience

Keyword research is not just about finding keywords to include in your website’s content. It’s about understanding your target audience and their search intent. By understanding your audience and their needs, you can develop a content strategy that resonates with them and provides the answers they are searching for.

Importance of Understanding Your Target Audience for Keyword Research

Keyword research helps you understand your target audience better. By identifying the search terms that your ideal customers or clients are using, you can tailor your content to meet their specific needs. Understanding your target audience’s search intent can help you create content that is more targeted and relevant, resulting in higher engagement and better organic search rankings.

Creating Buyer Personas

One effective way to understand your target demographic is by creating buyer personas. A buyer persona is a fictional character that represents your ideal customer. This persona includes information about their demographics, interests, pain points, and motivations. By creating buyer personas, you can better understand your primary audience and create content that resonates with them.

To create a buyer persona, you can start by analysing your existing customer base. Look for commonalities among your customers, such as age range, gender, location, and interests. You can also conduct surveys and interviews to gather more information about your target audience’s needs and preferences.

Conducting Market Research

Another way to understand your core audience is by conducting market research. This involves analysing your competitors and industry trends to identify gaps in the market that you can fill. You can also use tools like Google Trends and social media analytics to identify popular topics and keywords related to your industry.

By conducting market research, you can identify the most relevant and valuable keywords for your business. This information can help you create content that targets the right audience and generates more traffic and conversions.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to conduct keyword research using different tools and techniques.

keyword research tools

Keyword Research Tools

Once you have a better understanding of how much search traffic from your target market and the types of keywords you need to target, it’s time to use some of the best keyword research tools around to help you find the best keywords for your website. Here are some of the most popular tools for keyword research.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that allows you to research and analyse keywords related to your business. It shows you how often specific keywords are searched for and how much competition there is for each one. It can also help you find new keyword ideas and suggest bid estimates for each keyword.

To use Google Keyword Planner, you’ll need to set up a Google Ads account, but you don’t need to actually run any ads to use the tool.


SEMrush is a popular tool for SEO and keyword research. It provides keyword ideas and information on search volume, competition, and trends. You can also use it to track your website’s keyword rankings, analyse your competitors’ keywords, and get relevant keyword ideas for content marketing.

SEMrush has both free and paid versions. The paid version provides more detailed information and features.


Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that includes keyword research capabilities. It allows you to see the average monthly search volume amount, keyword difficulty level, and potential traffic for each keyword. You can also analyse your competitor’s websites and see what keywords they’re ranking for.

Ahrefs is a paid tool that we use here at Chillybin, but it offers a 7-day trial for $7.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer is a tool that provides keyword suggestions and data on search volume, keyword difficulty used, and opportunity. It also shows you which websites are ranking for the keywords you’re interested in, so you can analyse your competition.

Moz Keyword Explorer is part of the Moz Pro suite of SEO tools, which has a 30-day free trial.


Ubersuggest is a free keyword research tool that provides keyword suggestions, search volume data, keyword lists and information on the competition. It also shows you the top-ranking pages for each keyword and provides content ideas.

Ubersuggest was acquired by Neil Patel, a well-known digital marketer, and it’s been steadily improving over the years and is part of the SEO suite of tools that we use here at Chillybin Web Design.

Other Keyword Research Tools

There are plenty of other keyword research tools available, both free and paid. Some other popular keyword tools options include:

  • Keyword Tool
  • Google Trends
  • Serpstat
  • KWFinder
  • WordStream

Before you choose a tool, consider your budget and the features you need. Some tools may be better for certain types of businesses or industries. It’s also a good idea to try out a few different tools to see which one you prefer.

Now that you have an understanding of the different types of keywords and the tools available to help you find them, it’s time to start your keyword research. In the next section, we’ll guide you through the keyword research process, step by step.

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Analysing Competitors’ Keywords in Search Engines

When it comes to keyword research, it’s not just about finding the right keywords for your own website but also analysing your competitors’ keywords. By doing this, you can gain valuable insights into what keywords and phrases they are targeting, which can help you improve your own keyword strategy.

Importance of Analysing Competitors’ Keywords for Keyword Research

Analysing competitors’ keywords is an essential part of any SEO strategy. By looking at what keywords your competitors are targeting, you can gain valuable insights into the most effective keywords in your industry. This can help you to identify new keyword opportunities, refine your existing keyword ideas, and stay ahead of your competition.

Identifying Competitors’ Keywords

The first step in analysing your competitors’ keywords is to identify who your competitors are. Once you have identified your competitors, you can start to analyse their websites to find the keywords they are targeting.

One way to do this is to use a keyword research tool such as SEMrush or Ahrefs. These free keyword research tools allow you to enter your competitors’ website URLs and see the keywords they are ranking for. This can give you a good starting point for your own keyword research.

Another way to identify your competitors’ keywords is to conduct a Google search for the keywords you are targeting. Look at the top-ranking websites and analyse their content to see what keywords and phrases they are using.

Evaluating Competitors’ Keywords

Once you have identified your competitors’ keywords, it’s important to evaluate them to determine their effectiveness. Look at the search volume, competition, and relevance of the keywords to determine whether they are worth targeting.

You can use a keyword research tool to a search query and determine the search volume and competition for each keyword or search query. Ideally, you want to target keywords with high search volume and low competition.

In addition to search volume and competition to analyse keywords, it’s important to consider the relevance of the keywords. Are they relevant to your business and your potential clients? Will they help you to achieve your business goals? These are important factors to consider when using search volumes and evaluating competitors’ keywords.

In conclusion, analysing your competitors’ keywords can provide valuable insights into effective keywords in your industry, and help you improve your own keyword list. By identifying your competitors’ keywords, evaluating their effectiveness, and incorporating them into your own content strategy, you can stay ahead of the competition and drive more traffic to your website.

brainstorming and choosing keywords

Brainstorming and Choosing Keywords

Now that you have conducted thorough keyword research, it’s time to brainstorm and choose the best keywords for your website. Here are some tips and best practices to help you make the most of your research.

Brainstorming Keyword Ideas

Start by brainstorming a list of potential keywords that are relevant to your business, industry, and target users. Think about what phrases or terms your potential customers might be searching for when looking for your products or services.

Consider using tools such as Google Trends or Google’s related searches to help you come up with new keyword ideas. You can also take a look at your competitors’ websites and see what new keywords they are using.

Keyword Research Tips and Best Practices

When brainstorming and selecting your keywords, keep these tips and best practices in mind:

Choose relevant keywords: Your keywords should be relevant to your business and the content on your website. If your keywords are not relevant, it could hurt your SEO efforts and lead to lower rankings.

Use long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that are less competitive but more targeted. Using these organic keywords can help you attract more qualified traffic to your website.

Consider relevant search terms, volume and competition: When selecting your keywords, it’s important to consider both search volume and competition. Choose keywords with a high search volume and low competition to improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Don’t stuff your content with keywords: Keyword stuffing is the practice of overusing keywords in your content to try to manipulate search rankings. This practice is not only ineffective but can also result in penalties from Google.

Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Website

Once you have brainstormed a list of potential keywords and considered the tips and best practices above, it’s time to choose the right keywords for your website. Look for keywords that are relevant to your business, have a high search volume, and have low competition. It’s also important to choose keywords that match the search intent of your ideal customers.

Remember that keyword research is an ongoing process, and it’s important to monitor and adjust your keyword strategy over time. By regularly reviewing your keywords and optimising your content, you can improve your search rankings and attract more qualified traffic to your website.

implementing keywords

Implementing Keywords

Once you have identified the keywords that you want to target, the next step is to implement them on your website. Keyword implementation is a critical aspect of search engine optimisation (SEO) that can have a significant impact on your website’s ranking in search results.

On-Page Optimisation

On-page optimisation refers to the practice of optimising individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant search traffic. It involves optimising various elements on your website, such as your content, meta tags, images, and internal links. On-page optimisation is essential for search visibility and should be implemented for each of your targeted keywords.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are HTML tags that provide a brief summary of a web page’s content. They are typically displayed below the page title in search results (SERPs) and provide a brief overview of what the page is about. Meta descriptions should be optimised for your targeted keywords to help Google understand the content of your page.

Content Creation

Content is a critical aspect of SEO and plays a significant role in attracting and retaining visitors to your website. Creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that targets your keywords can help boost your website’s visibility in Google Search Console and attract more traffic.

Internal Linking

Internal linking refers to linking to other pages on your website within your content. Internal linking helps to establish a hierarchy and context for your website’s pages, making it easier for search engines to understand your content and rank it accordingly. Linking to pages that are relevant to your targeted keywords can help improve your website’s visibility.


Backlinking refers to the practice of getting other websites to link to your website. Backlinks are a critical ranking factor for search engines and can significantly impact your website’s search visibility. Building high-quality backlinks to your website can help improve your website’s ranking and drive more traffic to your site.

measuring and adjusting

Measuring and Adjusting

Once you’ve implemented your keywords and optimised your website, it’s important to monitor and measure their performance. This will help you understand what’s working well and what may need improvement. There are several tools available to help you measure keyword performance, including Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.

Monitoring Keyword Performance

One of the most important metrics to track is your website’s ranking on search results pages (SERPs) for your targeted keywords. By monitoring your website’s ranking, you can identify any fluctuations and determine if your keyword strategy is effective. Additionally, tracking the number of clicks and impressions for your keywords can help you understand their performance and make adjustments as needed.

Using Analytics Tools

Analytics tools and website analytics software such as Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into your website’s traffic and performance. By analysing user behaviour on your website, you can determine which pages and keywords are driving the most traffic and conversions. This information can help you refine your keyword strategy and make improvements to your website’s overall performance.

Making Adjustments and Improvements

Based on the insights gained from monitoring and measuring your keyword performance, you can make adjustments and improvements to your keyword strategy. This may involve refining your keyword list, optimising your content further, or adjusting your website’s structure to better target your audience. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your keyword strategy is crucial for maintaining a strong search engine ranking and driving traffic to your website.

common keyword research mistakes to avoid

Common Keyword Research Mistakes to Avoid

Keyword research is a crucial component of any successful SEO strategy. However, it is important to approach keyword research in a strategic and mindful way. Here are some common keyword research mistakes to avoid:

Focusing on Search Volume Alone

One of the biggest mistakes in keyword research is solely focusing on the highest search volume. While high search volume keywords may seem like a good idea to target, they often come with high competition and may not be the most relevant to your business. It is important to consider the intent behind a particular keyword, and whether it aligns with your business goals.

Targeting Too Many Keywords

Another common mistake is targeting too many keywords. It can be tempting to try to rank for as many keywords as possible, but this can dilute your efforts to prioritise keywords and make it difficult to achieve meaningful rankings. It is important to focus on a few high-value keywords that are most relevant to your business.

Ignoring Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords, or longer, more specific keyword phrases, can be a valuable way to target more specific and relevant search queries. Ignoring long-tail keywords can mean missing out on potential traffic and leads.

Overusing Keywords

While it is important to include keywords in your content, overusing them can be detrimental to your rankings. This practice, known as keyword stuffing, can make your content appear spammy and harm your credibility with users and website crawlers.

Not Adjusting Keyword Strategy as Needed

Finally, it is important to regularly evaluate and adjust your keyword strategy as needed. Search trends and user behaviour can change over time, and your keyword strategy should evolve with them. Regularly monitoring and adjusting your strategy can help ensure that you stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge in search rankings.

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Why Contact Chillybin for Keyword Research?

While keyword research can be time-consuming and challenging for small business owners, it is crucial for SEO success. At Chillybin, we specialise in SEO and have a team of professionals who can help you identify the most effective keywords for your business and incorporate them into your website’s content.

Benefits of Working With Chillybin for SEO

Experience With Keyword Research

Our team of professionals has extensive experience with keyword research and can provide you with a comprehensive list of the best keywords and phrases for your business. We use a range of keyword research tools, including Ahrefs and Ubersuggest, to identify the most effective keywords for your business.

Expertise in SEO Strategies

We have a deep understanding of the latest SEO strategies and can help you optimise your website’s content to improve your website’s ranking. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest algorithm updates and best practices to ensure that your website is always at the forefront of SEO.

Personalised Service

At Chillybin, we pride ourselves on providing personalised service to our clients. We work closely with you to understand your business goals and develop a customised keyword research strategy that meets your specific needs. We also provide regular reports and updates to keep you informed about the progress of your SEO campaign.

Increased Website Traffic and Conversions

By working with us, you can expect to see an increase in website traffic and conversions. Our keyword research and optimisation strategies are designed to attract targeted traffic to your website and improve your conversion rates.


In conclusion, keyword research is a crucial component of search engine optimisation. It involves understanding your audience, identifying relevant keywords, and implementing them into your website’s content and structure. With the right tools and strategies, keyword research can help boost your website’s visibility and drive more targeted traffic.

Remember to avoid common keyword research mistakes such as focusing on organic search for volume alone, targeting too many keywords, ignoring long-tail keywords, overusing keywords, and not adjusting your keyword strategy as needed.

At Chillybin, we understand the importance of keyword research for SEO and can help you optimise your website to improve its visibility and drive more traffic. Contact us today to learn more about our SEO services and how we can help your business succeed online.

Shaan Nicol

I help business owners increase profits by bringing their vision to life with a world-class website and gold-standard website support. Let’s connect!