How Much Does It Cost To Build A Wix Website?

Building a website using Wix is a popular choice for individuals and businesses who are looking for a user-friendly platform with a variety of design and functionality options. When it comes to costs, Wix offers a range of pricing plans depending on your specific needs. The platform has a free plan for basic features and a selection of premium plans for those who require more advanced functions, such as custom domain names and e-commerce capabilities.

Understanding the cost of building a Wix website requires a consideration of multiple factors, including your site’s purpose, the features you need, and the overall investment you are willing to make. Wix has both monthly and annual pricing plans, with discounts available for long-term commitments. It’s crucial to assess your website requirements and budget accordingly to make the most of your Wix investment.

Key Takeaways

  • Assess your website’s purpose and needed features to determine the most suitable Wix pricing plan.
  • Consider the overall investment, including domain costs and advanced features, when budgeting for a Wix website.
  • Evaluate alternative options like WordPress for a potentially more cost-effective solution, depending on your needs.
man working on laptop in his office

Understanding Wix Pricing Plans

Free Plan vs. Premium Plans

Wix provides a free plan that allows users to create a basic website with access to many design features and templates. However, there are limitations, such as Wix branding on your site, limited storage, and no custom domain. For businesses or users wanting a more professional appearance and greater functionality, Wix offers a range of Premium plans.

Wix Premium plans are designed to cater to various needs and budgets. These plans come with additional features like removing Wix branding, using a custom domain, increased storage and bandwidth, and various apps and tools to enhance your website.

What does Wix Free include?

Wix’s free plan is designed to provide users with the essential tools needed to create and launch a website at no cost. When you sign up for a free Wix account, you gain access to the Wix website builder, which includes a variety of templates and a drag-and-drop editor that makes website design straightforward and user-friendly. The free plan includes:

  • Wix Website Builder: A user-friendly platform with drag-and-drop functionality to create your website layout.
  • Templates: Access to a selection of webpage templates that can be customised to suit your needs.
  • Wix Subdomain: Your free website will be hosted on a Wix-branded subdomain (e.g.,
  • Storage and Bandwidth: The free plan comes with 500MB of storage and 500MB of bandwidth, which can be sufficient for small personal projects.
  • Wix Ads: Wix displays advertisements on websites hosted under the free plan.
  • Wix App Market: Access to free and premium apps within the Wix App Market to enhance your site’s functionality.
  • Mobile Optimisation: Your site will be optimised for viewing on mobile devices.

While the free plan offers a solid foundation for building a website, it has limitations such as Wix ads on your site, limited storage and bandwidth, and the use of a Wix subdomain. For users looking to expand their capabilities and create a more professional web presence, Wix offers various premium plans that provide additional features, such as custom domain connection, increased storage and bandwidth, removal of Wix ads, and more.

Breakdown of Wix Premium Plan Costs

Wix Premium plans can be categorised into four tiers, with each plan offering different features and inclusions. The costs of these plans are as follows:

  1. Light Plan: AUD $16 per month – Ideal for personal use or small businesses without a need for online payments. This plan includes 3 GB of storage, 2 GB bandwidth, removal of Wix branding, and a free custom domain for the first year.
  2. Core Plan: AUD $33 per month – Suitable for entrepreneurs and growing businesses. This plan provides 50 GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, $300 worth of advertising vouchers, and access to the Site Booster App and Visitor Analytics App.
  3. Business Plan: AUD $49 per month – Designed for business owners looking for advanced features and analytics. This plan comes with 100 GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, $300 in ad vouchers, Site Booster and Visitor Analytics Apps, professional logo design, and social media logo files.
  4. Business Elite: AUD $179 per month – The most comprehensive plan, best for larger businesses and e-commerce. This plan includes unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, $300 ad vouchers, Site Booster and Visitor Analytics Apps, professional logo design, social media logo files, and priority customer support.

It is essential to review the features included in each plan and compare them to your specific needs to make an informed decision on which plan best suits your requirements. Most plans offer a free trial period or a money-back guarantee, allowing you to test the premium features before committing to a monthly subscription fee.

Determining Your Wix Website Needs

To build an effective Wix website that meets your specific requirements, it’s essential to understand your website needs and choose the right plan. In this section, we’ll examine two types of websites: basic websites and online stores or ecommerce platforms.

Basic Websites

Basic websites typically comprise informational content such as portfolios, blogs, and small-scale business websites. These sites usually do not require extensive design or functionality. With Wix, you can create a basic website at an affordable starting price of $16 per month. This plan, known as the Light plan, provides an ad-free site and is a suitable choice for most small businesses or personal projects.

When creating a basic website, the following features often prove helpful:

  • Custom domain: Enhance your brand’s credibility by using a unique web address ( instead of
  • Drag & drop editor: Easily design your site without coding skills using the drag and drop editor
  • Multiple templates: Choose from numerous professional and responsive templates

Online Store and Ecommerce

If your goal is to establish an online store or an ecommerce platform, you’ll need a more advanced Wix plan. These plans are designed explicitly for selling products or services online and include additional features vital to online stores. Wix offers a variety of pricing options for online stores, ranging from $16 to $159 per month.

Key features for online stores and ecommerce platforms include:

  • Ecommerce functionality: Sell physical or digital products and manage your inventory within the Wix platform
  • Integrated payment options: Accept and process payments from customers securely
  • Customisable online store pages: Design your product pages with detailed information and high-quality images to showcase your offerings
  • Shipping and tax calculation tools: Automate the calculation of shipping fees and taxes for hassle-free order processing

In conclusion, the cost of building a Wix website depends on your specific needs. Consider the type of website you’re building (basic or ecommerce) and choose the corresponding Wix plan to ensure you have all the necessary features for a successful online presence.

Cost of Ownership and Domain Options

In this section, we’ll discuss the costs associated with domain ownership for a Wix website. There are two primary options when it comes to selecting a domain for your website: using a free custom domain provided by Wix or using your own domain that has been purchased elsewhere.

Free Custom Domain

Wix offers a free custom domain option for the first year when you choose any of their annual plans. This allows you to create a website with a professional and personalised web address. After the first year, the domain costs will range between $14.95 and $24.85 per annum, depending on the domain type.

Keep in mind that this free custom domain is only available if you opt for an annual subscription plan. Monthly plans do not offer this benefit.

Using Your Own Domain

If you already have your own domain name purchased from an external domain registrar, you are free to use it with your Wix website. In this case, you will be responsible for the ongoing domain costs, as determined by your original registrar.

To utilise your existing domain, you will need to connect it to your Wix website through the domain connection process. Wix provides clear guidance on how to do this, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

When choosing between a free custom domain and using your own domain, consider the benefits of a personalised web address, as well as the varying costs associated with each option. Remember that your domain is an essential aspect of your website’s online presence, so choose a name that accurately reflects your brand identity and purpose.

Wix website price guide

Exploring Ecommerce Functionality on Wix

When building a website with ecommerce functionality on Wix, it’s important to choose a suitable plan that offers the necessary tools to grow your online store. The available plans provide a range of features, such as advanced ecommerce capabilities, storage space, and more. One of Wix’s most comprehensive offerings in this area is the Wix Business Elite Plan.

Wix Business Elite Plan

The Business Elite Plan is specifically designed for ecommerce websites that require an extensive set of features to enhance their online presence and boost sales. With the Business Elite Plan, you’ll get access to an array of ecommerce tools, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to grow their operations online.

Here are some of the key features and benefits of the Wix Business Elite Plan:

1. Advanced ecommerce functionality

The Business Elite plan comes with a powerful ecommerce platform that allows you to easily manage products, track orders, and offer custom shipping rates. Your customers will appreciate the easy-to-use shopping cart and secure checkout process.

2. Priority support

With the Business Elite plan, you can expect faster response times from the Wix support team, ensuring any issues are resolved promptly so that your online store runs smoothly.

3. Storage and bandwidth

The Business Elite Plan offers extensive storage space compared to other Wix plans, ensuring you have ample space for product images, videos, and more. Additionally, this plan provides unlimited bandwidth to accommodate higher traffic levels for growing businesses.

4. Custom domain

To enhance your online store’s professional image, the Business Elite Plan allows you to connect it to a custom domain. This will help increase credibility amongst customers and improve search engine rankings.

Wix Business Elite Plan Pricing

It is essential to consider the cost of the Business Elite Plan when budgeting for your online store. The plan is available at $179 AUD per month, offering a range of comprehensive features designed to cater to the unique needs of ecommerce businesses.

The Business Elite plan by Wix is an excellent option for businesses seeking extensive ecommerce functionality, improved customer experience, and enhanced online presence. The variety of ecommerce tools, coupled with advanced features like priority support and increased storage space, make it a worthy investment for businesses focused on growth.

Additional Costs for Advanced Features

Premium Apps and Extensions

A Wix website can be customised with advanced features by utilising premium apps and extensions. These tools may incur additional costs, separate from the standard website plan. For example, the Site Booster App helps improve website visibility, but requires a paid subscription. Numerous premium apps cater to various requirements, such as booking systems, event registration, or online stores. Integrating these advanced tools may result in higher overall website costs.

Marketing and SEO Tools

Another aspect of Wix website costs is the inclusion of marketing tools and search engine optimisation (SEO) services. Investing in these features can be essential for driving traffic and improving search engine rankings. Wix provides various marketing and SEO options, some available at an additional cost:

  • SEO Wiz: A built-in free SEO tool that assists with keyword planning and optimisation.
  • Google Analytics: A comprehensive analysis tool that helps track website performance and audience behaviour, available for free with most Wix plans.
  • Site Booster App: As mentioned earlier, this paid app helps improve website visibility by submitting it to top search engines and directories.
  • Email Marketing: Available as a paid add-on, Wix’s email marketing tool allows the creation of targeted campaigns to reach potential customers.

The costs associated with these marketing and SEO tools should be considered when estimating the overall expenses of building and maintaining a Wix website. In short, the final cost of a Wix website can vary greatly depending on the chosen advanced features and tools incorporated to enhance the site’s functionality and online presence.

Hiring a Professional Wix Website Designer

Hiring a Wix website designer can significantly improve the quality and appearance of your web design project. These professional designers possess the necessary technical expertise to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites focused on meeting your specific goals and requirements.

Wix designers have varying levels of experience and expertise, which affects the cost of their services. On average, the prices range from as low as $15 to more than $200 per hour. The project complexity, level of customisation, and specific skills required can influence the fees of Wix professionals.

When searching for the right Wix designer, it is essential to consider:

  • Portfolio: Review the designer’s previous projects to assess their style, capabilities, and compatibility with your vision.
  • Experience: Look for professionals with a proven track record and relevant experience in your industry or niche.
  • Technical proficiency: Depending on your project requirements, ensure your designer has a strong grasp of the specific technical aspects, such as search engine optimisation (SEO) or e-commerce integration.

Additionally, Wix offers a Marketplace where you can browse and hire qualified Wix specialists. The Wix Marketplace includes designers who offer a wide range of services, from basic design work to comprehensive website creation.

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Value-Added Services and Subscriptions

Email and Social Media Marketing

Wix offers various tools and features that can enhance your website experience. One such service is email marketing, which allows you to create and send professional newsletters and promotional emails to your customers. Utilising email marketing can help you grow your subscriber base, improve customer retention, and drive conversions. When it comes to social media marketing, Wix also provides tools that enable you to integrate your website with major social media platforms, manage your social media presence, schedule posts, and monitor performance analytics.

Google Workspace and Dedicated Managers

Another value-added service you can take advantage of is the integration of Google Workspace. By subscribing to a Google Workspace plan, you can access essential business tools such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Docs while using a custom email address associated with your domain. This not only enhances the professionalism of your brand but also improves overall productivity and collaboration within your team.

In addition to the Google Workspace integration, Wix offers the option of having a dedicated account manager for users on higher-tier plans. Assigned to your account, the dedicated manager assists you in managing your website and provides personalised support, guidance, and expertise on best practices and new features.

Wix offers various value-added services and subscriptions that can help you get the most out of your website, ranging from email marketing and social media management to Google Workspace integration and dedicated account management. By choosing the right combination of tools and services for your needs, you can enhance your website’s performance, professionalism, and overall user experience.

Comparing Wix to Other Website Builders

When considering the cost of building a website with Wix, it’s important to compare its features and pricing to other reputable website builders to make the best decision for you and your business.

Features and Pricing Comparison

Wix is an easy-to-use website builder with intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. However, other options like Squarespace, Shopify, and WordPress also offer their own sets of advantages. For instance, Squarespace is known to provide great value for money, while Shopify is popular for e-commerce scaling, and WordPress is preferred by more experienced builders.

Wix Pricing: Wix offers a variety of plans to choose from. The annual plans come with a free domain for the first year, with most domains costing between $14.95 and $24.85 per year thereafter. On the other hand, Squarespace, GoDaddy, and WordPress offer competitive pricing, while Hostinger is known for its exceptional uptime reliability.

E-commerce Capabilities: Squarespace and Wix both support selling services, with Wix even allowing users to sell offline and accept payments upon delivery. Shopify excels in this area, offering a robust e-commerce platform that’s ideal for scaling an online store.

Templates and Customisation: A side-by-side comparison of website builder templates reveals that both Wix and Squarespace offer a wide selection of aesthetically pleasing designs. Platforms like WordPress also provide highly customisable templates, allowing users to create more unique and complex websites tailored to their needs.

It’s worth noting that although Wix has numerous advantages, the costs can add up over time. For those who require a more cost-effective solution, platforms such as WordPress could be a better option in the long run, as it offers both flexibility and affordability.

Optimising Your Investment in Wix

Long-Term Cost Considerations

When building a Wix website, it is essential to consider the long-term costs involved. The final cost typically includes a monthly subscription, domain registration fees, and potential additional costs associated with website design and customisation. Basic monthly plans range from $16 to $179 per month, depending on the chosen eCommerce package or added features. Domain registration generally costs between $14.95 and $24.85 per year, with the first year being free for annual plans.

To ensure you get the most value from your investment, it’s essential to select a plan that suits your needs and anticipate how your website may evolve. If you’re starting an eCommerce business, you may want to explore the possibility of upgrading to a higher-tier plan with more features.

Strategies to Save Money

Here are some approaches to help you save money when investing in a Wix website:

  • Choose an appropriate plan: Evaluate your website requirements and choose the most suitable plan, saving you from spending on unnecessary features.
  • Look for promotions: Wix often runs promotions or offers discount codes, which can reduce your subscription costs.
  • Pay annually: Pay for your plan annually to benefit from lower monthly costs and a free domain for the first year.
  • Utilise free features: Make use of Wix’s free features and apps before opting for premium alternatives.

Lastly, remember to disable the auto-renew feature for your domain and subscriptions if you’re uncertain about your long-term commitment to Wix. This way, you can avoid unexpected charges and evaluate your options as your website needs change. By considering the long-term costs and applying money-saving strategies, you can get the most out of your Wix website investment while keeping expenses down to a few hundred dollars.

woman working on her laptop

How long is a Wix website free?

Wix offers users the ability to build a website for free using their platform indefinitely. The free plan includes a range of features that allow for website creation without a time limit; however, websites on the free plan will display Wix ads and come with a Wix-branded domain name. If you’re looking to professionalise your site by removing these ads and connecting a custom domain, you’ll need to upgrade to one of Wix’s premium plans.

For those interested in trying out Wix’s premium features, Wix provides a 14-day trial period when you first upgrade from the free plan to a Wix Premium plan. This period is essentially a refund window, giving you two weeks to explore the full range of premium features and decide if the service meets your needs. If you’re not satisfied, you can cancel within this timeframe and receive a full refund.

It’s important to note that the 14-day trial applies to Wix premium plan purchases only and does not extend to domain names, mailboxes, or Wix email marketing plans.

For ongoing projects or businesses, the free plan can be a great starting point, but to fully harness the power of Wix and present a professional online presence, upgrading to a premium plan is recommended.

Is Wix the Right Choice? – Final Thoughts

Wix is a popular website builder that offers an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface and an extensive library of templates, catering to a wide target audience, from small businesses to individuals looking to create a digital presence. While Wix provides an array of impressive website features and performance capabilities, it is essential to consider the costs associated with building a Wix website.

Wix pricing plans range from $16 to $179 per month, depending on the features and storage needs. Additionally, Wix account domains are free for the first year with most annual plans but then cost between $14.95 and $24.85 per year thereafter. It is important to consider that these costs can add up over time, especially when factoring in Ascend plans, which offer extra marketing and business tools and start at $10 per month for the Basic plan, up to $49 per month for the Unlimited plan.

When evaluating if Wix is the right choice, you should examine your specific requirements and budget constraints. Although Wix offers a user-friendly platform and a range of impressive features, the associated fees might make alternative options, such as WordPress, more cost-effective for some users.

In conclusion, Wix can be a powerful website building platform for those who value its user-centric design, extensive feature offerings, and overall simplicity in creating a professional-looking website. However, users seeking a more budget-friendly option without compromising on customisation capabilities might consider exploring other platforms, like WordPress, to find the most suitable solution for their needs.

If you would like to move your existing website from Wix to WordPress, we can help with our website migration service. Alternatively, if you have decided that you would like to build a new website on WordPress, contact us today and let’s get the ball rolling on your dream website. d

Shaan Nicol

I help business owners increase profits by bringing their vision to life with a world-class website and gold-standard website support. Let’s connect!