3 Fun Headline Ideas That Will Get the Attention of Google

Great content is important, but in order for readers to give that content a chance, they have to find the headline interesting enough to click on it. Crafting an attention-grabbing headline takes some time and some serious thought. Here are a few fun headline ideas you can try, with a link to even more ideas at the bottom of this article:

The (Best, Worst, Easiest, Etc.) Way to…

The Best Way to Cook a Steak

There are endless ways to cook a steak, but which way is the best? This is the way our human brains work. We don’t want to search through dozens of recipes. We simply want to be directed to the best one so we can head into the kitchen.

This works for nearly everything from losing weight to roofing a house and even finding a babysitter.

It also works with negative headlines; for example, the title, ‘The worst foods to eat if you’re on a diet’ is a version of this headline that uses a negative adjective but is likely to garner a lot of attention.

(Number) (Shocking, Surprising, Etc.) Facts You Need to Know about…

5 Surprising Facts You Need to Know About Singing

shocked nerdy man on a keyboard

People love lists since they’re easy to skim and are fun to read. You can turn nearly any article into a list but one of the best lists to create gives readers the facts.

You can provide facts about nearly anything. From famous people to popular destinations and products, it’s a great way to use a keyword in the title that relates to your business.

The Best (Products, Providers, Etc.) in…

The Best Landscapers in Austin, Texas

If you want to show up on Google, make sure your products and services are easily searchable. If you really want to get noticed, consider using this headline to create an article where you mention your competitors. Just make sure you’re smart about it.

Instead of spending the entire article talking about why you’re the best, literally create a list of the best providers in your area. You’ll be searchable when others are looking for your competitors and, if done well, you can create a sense of community with other providers too.

They’ll appreciate the nice things you have to say about them, and in turn, they may be willing to recommend you when they are unable to meet a client’s needs.

As you get used to using these headlines, you’ll soon feel comfortable jazzing them up. For more headline ideas, click here, or give us a call. We can help make sure your content gets the attention it deserves.

Shaan Nicol

I help business owners increase profits by bringing their vision to life with a world-class website and gold-standard website support. Let’s connect!