How Long Does It Take for My Webflow Account to Be Completely Deleted?

Webflow is a powerful web design platform allowing users to create visually stunning websites without coding knowledge. However, there may come a time when you decide to delete your Webflow account due to various reasons. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the account deletion process and the time it takes for your Webflow account to be completely deleted.

The Webflow Account Deletion Process

Deleting your Webflow account is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps:

  1. Log in to your Webflow account and navigate to the Account Settings page.
  2. Scroll to the “Delete Account” section and click the “Delete Account” button.
  3. Confirm your decision to delete your account.

Please note that deleting your Webflow account is permanent and will result in losing all your sites, projects, and data. Ensure you’ve taken necessary precautions, such as transferring ownership or exporting your sites, before proceeding with the account deletion.

Immediate Effects of Webflow Account Deletion

Once you’ve confirmed your decision to delete your Webflow account, the following actions will take place immediately:

  1. Loss of access: You’ll lose access to your Webflow account, including all sites, projects, and data.
  2. Site unpublishing: All published sites associated with your account will be unpublished and unavailable online.
  3. Team removal: If you’re part of any Webflow teams, you’ll be removed from those teams and lose access to associated projects.

Timeframe for Complete Account Deletion

The time it takes for your Webflow account to be completely deleted varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of your sites and projects and Webflow’s internal processes. Generally, the account deletion process can take a few minutes to several hours.

Data Retention Period

Even though your Webflow account is deleted and you lose access to your sites and projects, Webflow may temporarily retain some of your data to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This data retention period typically lasts for 30 days, during which Webflow may store backups of your data. After the retention period, your data will be permanently deleted from Webflow’s servers.

Reactivating Your Account During the Data Retention Period

If you change your mind and decide to reactivate your Webflow account during the data retention period, it may be possible to recover some of your data. To attempt reactivation, contact Webflow Support and provide them with the necessary information to verify your identity. Remember that reactivation is not guaranteed, and the availability of your data depends on the stage of the deletion process and Webflow’s internal policies.

Precautions to Take Before Account Deletion

Before deleting your Webflow account, it’s essential to take several precautions to ensure a smooth transition and prevent data loss:

  1. Export your sites: If you want to retain a copy of your site(s) to be hosted on another platform, export your site(s) before deleting your account.
  2. Transfer site ownership: If you want to transfer ownership of your site(s) to another user, follow the site ownership transfer process before proceeding with account deletion.
  3. Backup form submissions and CMS content: If your site(s) include form submissions or CMS content, ensure you’ve backed up this data before deleting your account.

Preparing for Life After Webflow

Once you’ve deleted your Webflow account, planning for the next steps in your web design journey is crucial. Consider the following actions:

  1. Choose a new platform: If you still need a website, research alternative web design platforms that suit your needs and preferences. Popular options include WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace.
  2. Update your domain settings: If your domain was connected to a Webflow site, update your domain settings to point to your new platform or hosting provider.
  3. Notify collaborators and clients: If you were working with collaborators or clients on your Webflow projects, inform them of the account deletion and any necessary steps they should take to continue working on their projects.

Learning from Your Webflow Experience

As you move forward from your Webflow account deletion, take the time to reflect on your experience with the platform:

  1. Identify areas for growth: Consider any challenges you faced while using Webflow and determine how you can overcome similar obstacles in the future.
  2. Apply lessons learned: Apply the design principles and techniques you’ve learned while using Webflow to your future web design projects, regardless of the platform you choose.
  3. Stay connected to the community: Even though you’ve deleted your Webflow account, you can still benefit from the platform’s extensive community resources, such as forums, articles, and video tutorials.


Deleting your Webflow account can take a few minutes to several hours, with a data retention period of up to 30 days. By taking the necessary precautions before deleting your account and planning for life after Webflow, you can ensure a smoother transition and protect your valuable data and projects. Reflecting on your Webflow experience can provide valuable insights for future web design projects and personal growth, allowing you to continue developing your skills and expertise in web design.

Shaan Nicol

I help business owners increase profits by bringing their vision to life with a world-class website and gold-standard website support. Let’s connect!