Content Marketing – What It Is and Why You Need It

The world of marketing is full of all of buzzwords and phrases and some last longer than others. Content marketing is one of those phrases that is here to stay.

Maybe you’ve heard of it before and you may think you’re already doing it. According to, over 85 percent of brands claim to use content marketing as a part of their advertising strategy but less than half believe that they’re any good at it.

So, what exactly is content marketing and why is it worth your time?

The Definition of Content Marketing

The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as:

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly ­defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

The key here is that content marketing is a form of advertising. Savvy internet users are very adept at avoiding obtrusive advertisements and sales pitches, so traditional advertising methods are going the way of the dinosaur.

Content marketing allows you to create valuable content that enhances the behavior of consumers. Essentially, you deliver information that makes your readers more intelligent, and by providing that high­ quality content, readers will reward you by buying your products and services.

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Why Do I Even Need to Use Content Marketing?

It may seem like a bit much to spend so much time on indirect advertising methods that are more difficult and complicated to create. It’s much easier to pay for advertising than it is to maintain a blog. Moreover, if you’re trying to sell something, shouldn’t you just try to sell it?

The fact is, you won’t enjoy as much success if you don’t give content marketing a try. Today’s consumers are more intelligent and savvy than ever. Even if you have a great product, heavy ­handed sales tactics can turn potential clients off to what you have to offer.

Content marketing strategies strive to provide relevant and valuable content, while all those other sales pitches seem more like spam. In addition, content marketing can position you as an expert in your niche, helping you to become an authority that other people turn to for information, which will only increase your sales.

How Do I Use Content Marketing?

Are you ready to give content marketing a try? There are many ways you can weave this advertising method into your website and beyond.

  • Write articles for a blog
  • Turn popular blog content into a press release
  • Share your content and content from others on social media
  • Create targeted email campaigns
  • Rewrite website content to tell a story

Feeling overwhelmed?

Don’t feel like you have to do everything all at once. Start small and track your progress. Once you start seeing how great content marketing can transform your business, you’ll be excited to try new strategies.

Just because you’re an expert in your field doesn’t mean you’re a great writer. If you really want to knock your content marketing strategy out of the park, contact us about creating stellar content for your business.

Shaan Nicol

I help business owners increase profits by bringing their vision to life with a world-class website and gold-standard website support. Let’s connect!