How To Schedule Posts In WordPress

Here at Chillybin, we love writing amazing content to share with our cherished readers. Sometimes when blogging, something magical happens. You experience what I like to call the “bloggers flow”. What is bloggers flow you say? Well, it’s what happens when you start blogging and you kinda get in the zone.

You get so engrossed in blogging that you’re spitting out post after post without realizing how much content you’ve actually written. It’s a really amazing feeling, but what makes it really great, is that at the end of the day you have tons of new content to post on your website! Unfortunately you can’t exactly turn bloggers flow on or off at a whim. It kinda comes and goes when it pleases.

So now that you’ve got a ton of new posts to share with your audience, what do you do? Do you just throw them all up on your website? Well you can, but a better strategy would be to space them out and post an article every day or every other day in order to keep your users engaged and coming back to your site often.

Posting everything at once means that someone is going to just scan all your content, and then when they do come back later, they find that there is nothing new. You want to keep your audience engaged and always coming back for more.

Not everyone has the time to blog everyday though. If you’re usually busy and constantly multitasking, finding time to write a blog post for your site can be difficult. One of the best strategies for people who find it hard to blog everyday is to set aside a few hours on a specified day to write a ton of posts for their site. By doing this, all you’ll have to do is write the posts, save them as drafts, then publish them on whatever day you want.

While this method will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run, it still means that you have to be at your computer whenever you want the post published. As you might imagine, this can be very inconvenient for some people. While it may be hard to fathom in this tech crazy world, not everyone has the ability to be at their computers at a set time everyday just to publish a post.

Thankfully you guys don’t have to concern yourself with this problem. WordPress has the ability to let users schedule posts to be published automatically at a set time and date. Yeah, WordPress is cool like that!

Login to the administrative backend of your website and hover over the menu item on the left that says “Posts”. Click on the sub menu item labeled “Add New” and starting writing your blog post.


Once your post is completed and you’re ready to schedule a post, simply save your post as a draft first. After you’ve done that, look for the option at the top right of your screen under the save draft option that says “Publish immediately” as shown in the image above. Click the word next to it that says edit.

Once clicked you’ll be given the option to set a time and date that you want the post to go live and be published. Once you’ve specified when you want the post to be published, just click the “Ok” button below it to make things official.

Thats it, you’re done! Simply do this for every post that you want to be published at a later date. Using this method of blogging can save you a lot of time and energy in the long run. It’s an easy way to literally publish blog posts in your sleep or while away on holiday.

If you would like your articles written and scheduled on WordPress for you, simply contact the team at Chillybin to discuss your content needs.

Shaan Nicol

I help business owners increase profits by bringing their vision to life with a world-class website and gold-standard website support. Let’s connect!